UN Day for South-South Cooperation 2017 – September 12, 2017

Power plant

Did you know? 

Over the course of 2016 In Burundi, through south-south cooperation, 39,000 yearly reproductive health consultations were enabled, 25 villages in Guinea-Bissau got access to solar energy and 1,000 adults, mostly women, attained functional literacy! And in Lao Peoples’ Democratic Republic, 7,700 farmers’ agricultural yield improved through better irrigation structures! 

What is South-South cooperation? 

South-South cooperation is a manifestation of solidarity among peoples and countries of the South that contributes to their national well-being, their national and collective self-reliance and the attainment of internationally agreed development goals, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 

The history of south-south cooperation 

Depositphotos_163082008_l-2015The world has undergone a major economic and political transformation in the last two decades. The changes, particularly in the South, have been more rapid than at any time during a similar span in world history. Relationships within the South and between the South and the North have taken on entirely new dimensions. Key current issues such as the environment and climate change, energy and food security, global poverty, the linkage between growth and equity, and migration are today more global than North-South in nature. 

Many countries in the South have built up significant financial and technical capacities. They have begun to transfer some of these resources, on concessional and non-concessional terms, spreading the benefits of globalization more widely and building a broader foundation for sustainable economic growth. 

All these efforts were reaffirmed and extended in 2015 with the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by the UN General Assembly. 

2017 Observance 

On this United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation the UN will commemorate the adoption in 1978 of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action for Promoting and Implementing Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries (BAPA), and highlight the importance of South-South and triangular collaboration towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Later this year, the theme of the 2017 Global South-South Development Expo will be “South-South Cooperation in the Era of Economic, Social and Environmental Transformation: Road to the 40th Anniversary of the Adoption of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action (BAPA+40)”. 

To find out more about this special day please visit the official website here: 



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